Scienctific, Research, Knowledge, Technical, and Business Partner

Connecting Health Innovations LLC, Columbia, South Carolina, USA (
Connecting Health Innovations, LLC was founded in 2013 as a spinoff from the University of South Carolina (USC). Connecting Health Innovations, LLC (CHI) has the support of its partners such as BlueCross BlueShield, the University of South Carolina Specialty Clinics, the University of South Carolina Faber Entrepreneurship Center, Columbia South Carolina-based Eau Claire Cooperative Health Centers, the USC Office of Economic Engagement, and the Columbia/USC Incubator. CHI owns the licensing rights to commercialize Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII®), one of the hottest concepts in biomedicine. The group at Connecting Health Innovations, LLC has many distinguished members from the field of medicine and public health. It is actively collaborating with well over 100 research institutions, governmental agencies and universities in 36 countries across the globe to explore the association between the DII® and inflammation-related outcomes in different populations.
Health Interventions LLP is the exclusive partner for Connecting Health Innovations, LLC (CHI) for Asia.
Research and Knowledge Partner

Healis-Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health (
Healis-Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health aims to advance public health in India by undertaking timely high quality population based epidemiological research since 2004. Since its inception the organization is committed to improving the public health in India and in other LMIC countries addressing important public health questions and facilitating and guiding the translation of research findings into policies/programs at national level. Healis Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) is registered with National Institutes of Health and has Federal Wide Assurance (FWA). Healis IEC is also registered with the Office of Drugs Controller General; Central Drugs Standard Control Organization, India. Healis is recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Organization (SIRO) by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. For CSR recognition, Healis is empaneled with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences CSR Hub. Healis works in collaboration with leading National and International Health and Research organizations. Healis is operating from the premises of its own situated at MIDC, Mahape, Navi Mumbai since January 2015.